Monday, March 9, 2009

2nd Period Board Game Postings


Anonymous said...

This week we began our board game project.We figured out who was going to do what in the project.I(Mariam)am going to do the weekly journals.Aaliyah is going to do the board game while Eugenia will be doing the rules for the board game.We decided that we will all contribute to the timeline and the outline.

Anonymous said...

Jasmine Derrick
Kelli Clemons
Angela McLarin

When we recieved notice on the quiz for Week 1, we immediately split up the topics between the three of us. Jasmine: Reformation, MAAFA/Middle Passage, and Enlightenment; Kelli: Exploration, Jesuits & Missionaries, and Slavery in Brazil; Ang: Conquest of Mexico, Sugar Plantations, Columbian Exchange; Together: New World Contact, English Revolution. Each group member conjures at least 3 questions per topic. we will be done with all questions by Thursday evening, so we can discuss our answers in preparation of Quiz 1.

Anonymous said...


Our group is working very affectively. So far we have the title of our game, our board, the rules, and 25 out of 100 questions complete. by the end of next weeek we should have all our questions complete.

Anonymous said...

Markell G.
Tanesha W.
Garion W.
Darius G.

This week we decided to split the topics up and each member does the minimum of 3 questions per topic. All of the questions should be done by Monday. So next week we should be working on the rules, construction and design of the game. And thats it for this week folks. Stay tuned. So see you next week for the G.B.P. part 2(Game board Project)

Anonymous said...

Kiara Taylor Ashley Dixon MiCaila Wordlow
We have completed 21 questions as a group. We have started with the Russian Revolution,Haitian revolution,French Revolution, berlin conference , conquest of mexico,scramble for africa,sugar plantations and the opium war.We are learning a lot.

Anonymous said...

This week we worked on trying to finish our 75 questions and finding the answers for all of them.We will begin working on our timeline,outline,and board game starting next week.We will begin to prepare our project that will be due soon.

Anonymous said...

This week we have completed more questions on The Berlin Conference, Scramble for Afrika, Songhai, The American Revolution, The Russian Revolution. We will start our board game next week.
MiCaila, Kiara,& Ashley!

Anonymous said...

Jasmine Derrick
Angel McLarin
Kelli Clemons

This week we came up with a plan that we will use for the remainder of the project. This week we picked the topics. We created and answered each question, on the beginning of next week we will group all questions and send to Mr. Omowale. All of next week we work on nothing but the board itself. We will make rules, design the board, and other things of that nature. By the end of the week, we plan on being complete and ready to complete the questions "upon completion".

Anonymous said...

We finished the questions for the game. Now we just need to work on the sctual game board.tomorrow we are going to meet at the library to discuss the design and the characters of the game board. Since the week has been hectic, we haven't done the rules, but we will complete it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Peter, Rj, Shin

We have completed the board and one third of the questions.

Anonymous said...

Craig Labat
Devin Sparkman
Trevor Steede

we are stilln working very diligently on our project, trevor is almost done with the board, and he has completed the game rules. me(craig) and devin only have to for about 10 more questions until we are done with them. we will be done by next week, and we will have our questions ready by the 25th.

Anonymous said...

This week,we began to do the finishing touches on our board game project. We completed all our 75 question,timeline, and outline. We all agreed that Aaliyah is going to do the actual boardgame and Eugenia is going to do the rules.

Anonymous said...

We are almost done with the whole project the questions are about 95 percent done and the board is being put together. Now ere really trying to work on the timeline/outline which will definitely be completed today and the only thing left will be the board and rules and instructions.

Anonymous said...

Kelli Clemon
Jasmine Derrick
Angela McLarin

This week, even on block schedule, we have completed majority of the project. All that needs to be done is the board itself. We will bring individual materials on next week and begin to put the game together. We have assigned different assginments and will be complete on Wednesday, April 1, 2009.

Anonymous said...


everyone in our group has completed our questions, & we are starting on our game board as soon as we get the supplies.

our questions have been sent.